Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Office Haikus

Here is a collection of haiku's I have sent (to all the heads in my company) with my DSR (daily sales report). There was a short hiatus where I featured a photo-of-the-day, but the haikus were brought back by popular demand.
My raise is in the bag!

Riding high all day
Full length keeps me warm, but still
Damn you, itchy skirt.

New coffee machine
Eagerly awaiting you
Add fuel to our fires

Sun sets below clouds
Shining through the pouring rain
Rainbows on Railway!

Fan outside window
Only stops at end of day
To screech a farewell

A happy Friday
Going to the velodrome
Hope you enjoy yours!

Haikus are old news
I’m open to suggestion
Next week something fresh

I am bananas
Peanut butter jelly time
Get in my belly

It’s Election Day
For Canada, A leader
Don’t forget to VOTE!

Fearless cheerleader
Pick us up and push us forth

Project management
Courses at BCIT
Brian’s back in classssss

One, two, three, four, five.
One, two, three, four, five, six, sev.
Five, four, three, two, one.

I’m not Japanese
But I love to write haiku
Hiro must be proud

I won a raffle
Going to the hockey game!

Heartbreaker network
January Molasses
Connection is breath

Aziz is the man
With the biggest, brightest smile
He sits beside me

Little glass pebbles
Molten melty bits of awe
The texture is stones

Overflowing heart
Tough as nails with tact and charm
Gina saves the day

Don’t wanna haiku
So hungry and it’s raining
Uphill on my bike.

Rob is on vaca
Leaves Nicole no time to play
Bring a gift or else!

Sharper than razor
Swiftly scans file after file
Emese Horwood!

David Bran, sales man
Pushing buttons, pushing glass
Make her want to smash

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Friday, November 21, 2008

i cannot wait until i have all my files on my sweet new imac. this is taking forevvvvvvver.
we went for a hike for brad's birthday back in september:


it has been a really long time since i blogged...
these pics are stupes old.

want these?


this is the only one from raneen's bday

pings w/ brad & natasha

those were @ hamza's
here come shawn's bbq


love that girl

oh fun

aha lenny's dad in belize. lucky!


multiple posts to follow just pump this stuff out

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Thursday, November 6, 2008

New Bike

Another new bike :)
Was considering a factory repaint but it turns out they can't do the original lettering. So, orangey/red it is! The decals are a bit chewed up but otherwise it's in great shape

1983 Marinoni Special
Columbus SL tubing
Dura Ace Components
Campagnolo Hubs to Mavic Rims