Sunday, February 17, 2008

New for 2008

So far 2008 has brought quite the contrast to the end of 2007. I'm currently settling in with the new job and carrying on as a consultant for the previous, something I plan to do till the end of Spring.

Also, Ian, my roomate for a good chunk of last year has taken off to Peru for a little soul searching and Nicole has moved in. The place is coming along nicely if I do say so. It's nice to have a little of that "what's been missing" around.

Oh and I have fish. Here's one of them.
Un-officially named "Mushy." Our other fish "Crunchy" is a little camera shy.

I've also made a few changes to my bike, and in the attempt to keep bike nerd related posting to a minimum, I'll just post something when I'm done changing it... which will be never :)

And finally, you guessed it, this here BLAWG.... um yeah. I figure it might be good though since I don't spend a whole lot of time getting out it seems, and I'm not a big fan of Facebook so this is the next best thing!

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