Friday, December 5, 2008

bike routing

So I can go real fast at the track, but I kinda run out of gas after a few sprints.
Sprinting = decent but my endurance = poo
I've recently acquired an old road race bike so I'm ramping up the kilometers this coming year starting with 200-300K a week with the goal of being in the 300-600K range by September. I figure the spring series will be a good way to get my race experience up at the velo and by next season I should have a good base to be competitive. A lot of work, but I consider it a constructive use of my spare time!

Here's a few routes I'm going to be doing over the coming weeks.

Fast UBC Loop

SFU Loop

(I'd like to combine these on the weekends)

Richmond Loop

Horseshoe Bay Loop

and of course 200 meter left turns on repeat!

Going to be one tired mofo for the first few weeks but if it goes anything like my first few weeks on commuting, I should be in good shape.

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