Monday, April 28, 2008


1 week update:

if you don't want to hear all about the shitty details of this detox thing i'm on just scroll down to the video.

... so yeah, cleanses fuck with your shit! i feel all normal n shit. then i feel completed whacked. i can sleep. the other day i took the largest dump of my entire life. sometimes i look at my fish and think they'd make a great snack along with some edimame and a swig of greens. i kinda feel all tired and energized at the same time. can concentrate a bit longer on 'not thinking straight' for a slightly increased amount of time... basically i think i have some fairly deep rooted bad habits and chemical imbalances that are clinging on for dear life which yeah.. fuck with your shit.

for a buzz, i put assloads of ginger and cayenne into my juice. some serious shit and giggles. seriously.

like nicole, i've been taking it out on the bike and the gym and it's been a huge help not having to do it by myself. i better not slack on the fitness either or i'm going to have trouble keepin up with that girl. sheeeeit!

one things for sure, having a relapse does not help.. it's only been a week but oddly enough it feels like 2 :|

shit, i don't even care about proper capitalization right now!

anyway, my point is, stuff like this is what helps me get through the day...

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