Friday, April 25, 2008

so this cleanse thing has been pretty intense for me thus far.
starting the week after school finished means i went from putting my body through levels of abuse that are too embarrassing to even tell you about, to full on mormon (less the polygamy.)
it's been hard to sleep a few nights. i have had difficulty focusing at other times. also pulled a few emotional, irrational, "feminine" spats... admittedly i'm facing some unexpected challenges at the moment. also, premenstrual. but lenny could vouch that it's not like this on the regular. i'm trying to remember when he's even seen me cry before this week. oh, it was just dumb over-sensitive girl stuff.
uh yuh. it's only been 5 days.

on the up side, i'm assuming, the hardest 5.
really, so much positive change on the horizon. excitement.
truly. i'm thrilled.

more reason to be thankful, lenny's exceptionally good at setting me straight.
we walked up the hill, wound up here,

and somehow everything was right with the world once again.

also, i've been working out like a maniac. i feel the need to brag about that bike ride cuz i had no idea that i could do it. lenny hyped it so bad. sucka just was trying to psyche me out. it wasn't bad at all! i even made it up the mountainous hill that my parents live on! without stopping! IN ONE GEAR MOFO'S! *rawwwr*
actually been spending lots of time on my bike running around all week. hit the gym 3 times. aaaand my buddy myra treated me to a 90 min hot yoga class tonight at yaletown. sweating... my anti-drug. hah.

lenny and i are supposed to go up to whistler this weekend too. kinda iffy weather. it's up in the air now. how can whistler be calling for rain when it was like this across the street last week?

oh yah. because it's nearly may.
sup, climate change!

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